
Saturday Mar 19, 2016
Talking Governor John Kasich with Mike Gonidakis of Ohio Right to Life
Saturday Mar 19, 2016
Saturday Mar 19, 2016
In this special election broadcast, Tim talks with Mike Gonidakis of Ohio Right to Life about the candidate who is the self-described "adult in the room" when it comes to the 2016 race for the presidency, Governor John Kasich. Unlike every other election discussion, this interview avoids getting sucked into the Trump vortex and instead focuses on Kasich's faith and record as governor. After the interview, Tim then attempts to explain the Trump phenomenon and how this election is changing the criteria for selecting a candidate.

Tuesday Jun 16, 2015
June 9 - Final Episode, Simplifying Life...
Tuesday Jun 16, 2015
Tuesday Jun 16, 2015
In this final episode of Life360 with Tim Jacobs, Tim explains the reason for the decision to go on an indefinite hiatus. The demands a full-time senior pastor position, plus being a dad to three kids and husband to one wife have led to the decision to simplify life at this time. However, there are still some hard hitting subjects covered in this episode, as well as many other shows with interviews and commentary available below. If you'd like to connect with Tim, please email him at tim@compasschurchaz.com, or find him on Facebook at www.facebook.com/pastortimjacobs. Thanks for your support!

Wednesday Apr 15, 2015
April 7 - The Indiana RFRA with Professor Garret Epps
Wednesday Apr 15, 2015
Wednesday Apr 15, 2015
Tim talks with Garret Epps, Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Baltimore, who wrote a piece in the Atlantic about the implications of the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act. While the discussion is cordial (first time guests to the show are always given the benefit of the doubt!), Tim clearly takes issue with the fact that those who support this law do so because of their "dislike" of homosexuals as well as other key points of Epps' article.

Tuesday Mar 31, 2015
March 31 - All About That Tomb
Tuesday Mar 31, 2015
Tuesday Mar 31, 2015
It's the Easter edition of Life360 with Tim Jacobs, and Tim asks the question: Did Jesus really rise from the dead? Because if he didn't, according to 1 Corinthians 15, the entire Christian religion is a joke. So what do you believe? Tim presents the evidence for the resurrection and makes the point that the alternatives are harder to believe than the actual resurrection claim itself.

Tuesday Mar 24, 2015
March 24 - Lifting Kids Out of Poverty with Melissa Holdaway
Tuesday Mar 24, 2015
Tuesday Mar 24, 2015
Everyone talks about eliminating poverty, but how do you really do that? Tim talks with CEO and Co-Founder of Arizona Charter Academy, Melissa Holdaway, about her vision of breaking the generational cycle of poverty through education. Far from giving low-income kids an excuse, Melissa challenges them to become leaders, entrepreneurs, and succeed at whatever they set out to accomplish. You do not want to miss this interview.

Wednesday Mar 11, 2015
March 10 - Yep, Church is Cancelled!
Wednesday Mar 11, 2015
Wednesday Mar 11, 2015
Many people think that "church" is going the way of the newspaper and the horse and buggy - outdated, unnecessary, and irrelevant. But the truth is, more churches are being planted than are being closed, and the ones really growing are those that have a clear Biblical message and making a difference in their community. In this episode Tim interviews three volunteers who are leading "Inside Out" - an event that consists of shutting down Compass Church in Goodyear, AZ, on a Sunday morning and unleashing the congregation out into the community to do acts of service all over the place.

Tuesday Mar 03, 2015
March 3 - Netanyahu's Speech and How Israel Has Blessed the World
Tuesday Mar 03, 2015
Tuesday Mar 03, 2015
The little strip of of land along the Mediterranean the size of New Jersey has been, and will continue to be, at the center of the world's attention. In light of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's powerful speech before Congress, Tim talks about the prophetic, political, and economic powerhouse that is Israel and their critical place in the world.

Thursday Feb 26, 2015
February 24 - Be a Sheepdog: The Interview with Lt Col Dave Grossman
Thursday Feb 26, 2015
Thursday Feb 26, 2015
If you saw the movie American Sniper, then you remember the difference between a "sheep, a wolf, and a sheepdog." This terminology was coined by Lt Col Dave Grossman in his book, On Killing and his subsequent work, On Combat. This was a fascinating conversation about the psychological affect of violence and how it is threatening the safety of our society. Col Grossman now teaches Sheepdog Seminars all over the country, training churches, schools, and other organizations on how to protect themselves from increasingly violent world.

Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
February 17 - Pastors off the Record
Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
Tim interviews two pastors from Compass Church, Mike Szoradi and Gabe Legaspi, about life, God, marriage, and manhood. Many people think pastors are nothing but old guys with an outdated message who are out of touch with the "real world." But Gabe and Mike, both in their early 30's, represent the next generation of pastors who are walking the talk. Listen to their stories of faith, redemption, and hope as they live out their calling as husbands, fathers, and pastors.

Wednesday Feb 11, 2015
February 10 - Same-Sex Marriage and an Interview with Susan Meissner
Wednesday Feb 11, 2015
Wednesday Feb 11, 2015
Alabama is the next state to approve same-sex marriage, and Tim makes the case that we as a nation never bothered to really think deeply about this issue as a nation before rushing to redefine marriage. The second part of the show is an interview with the very popular and prolific novelist Susan Meissner. Susan joins Tim to talk about her new book, Secrets of a Charmed Life, a great read and/or a perfect Valentine's gift for the lady in your life.